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Comments for Beatles, The, twist & shout (single)

E-MAIL: xena
great!!!wonderful!!!!!groovy!!!!!way far out!!!!!!!!!! it's the gear!!!!!! ok now that i can't think of any thing more to say I'll leave see ya later bye bye
E-MAIL: xena
I'm all alone in this cold world of twist and shout:(
E-MAIL: xena
shake it up baby now:)
E-MAIL: Heather
gear fab, gear fab (not a bit like cagney).
E-MAIL: xena
hooray,hooray! I'm not alone any more:)
E-MAIL: xena
well maybe I am
E-MAIL: Spiderman
You are not alone. I am here with you. Though you're far away, I am here to stay. :)
E-MAIL: harmony
good. I hate being alone!
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Who are you ????
E-MAIL: Heather
michael jackson!? as a Beatle fan, how can you sing his songs? he is the guy who bought up all the songs...and there you are quoting him. disgusting. tsk, tsk, tsk.
E-MAIL: xena
oh,sorry spiderman. I changed my name to harmony cause there was someone using my name. i forgot that i was using xena on this that post up there is me:)
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I hate Jacksonas much as you. But it seemed appropiate to quote it. Note that it was done with some irony.
E-MAIL: Heather
irony? what irony?
E-MAIL: xena
what? huh? i'm lost!
E-MAIL: Spiderman
You know, ironic.
E-MAIL: Heather
how so?
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I mean i actually hate that guy and most of his music, but it seemed like a funny thing to do to quote one of his songs that I hate the most.
E-MAIL: Heather
oh, okay. that is kind of ironic. but it's not as ironic as rain on your wedding day.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Or 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.
E-MAIL: xena
it's a free ride when you've already paid :P
E-MAIL: Heather
see Spiderman? she does the tongue thing too. i didn't make it up.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Yes, but what does it mean ?(help me , i'm confused !!)
E-MAIL: xena
i can't explain it! heather, you try!
E-MAIL: Heather
american girls tend to think a smiley face with a tongue stinking out is cute in a goofy way. (that's the best i can do)
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Oh, i thought it was a sign of u disliking me.
E-MAIL: Heather
no, that's not it. you know better than that! you know that we love you!
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I read that in a book about the internet. Ok, how colud i think differently ?
E-MAIL: Heather: P
i don't know. don't trust the book, trust me: ) i know what i'm doing.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Oh, sure i'll just have to trust YOU then.GROAN !:( JJ:)
E-MAIL: Heather
well I never bought there!! (j/k: )
E-MAIL: Spiderman
It's Ok. Buy Band On The Run instead. It's better. (If John sees this he'll kill me ):)
E-MAIL: xena
band on the run is great! i love it to death:)
E-MAIL: Spiderman
It's my favourite album. Ok, here's quote from a GOOD song: "You're not alone, I wait 'til the end of time, open your eyes surely it's plain to see", You're not alone, by Olive.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Hey , where has Heather gone ? Is she going to do like I did ,dissapear for a while with no explanation or will she not come back at all ?
E-MAIL: Heather
I hope I didn't worry you or anything, Spidey. It's just that I've had many complexities in my personal life that called for a little more attention than I had to give if I was still being a regular here- so I had to cut this part of my daily routine out for awhile. I'm sorry if you were upset...I'll try to get around to here more often now.
E-MAIL: harmony
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I was not upset. It's ok, i've had some problems of my own too, anything you wanna mention ?
E-MAIL: Heather
thanks for the concern, Spidey...but it's not anything i'd care to meantion on a wide open place like this for all to see. know what i mean?
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Yeah, sure. If you wanna tell me, feel free to mail me. But I don't expect you to. By the way, i missed my drivers test yesterday.:(
E-MAIL: Heather
your drivers test? i thought you already had your liscense! so what does this mean for you? poor Spidey...
E-MAIL: Spiderman
What it means for me ?Well, that I still have to bike around and that I fel kinda useless for the moment, that's what it means
E-MAIL: Heather
I thought you already had your liscense. Well, that certainly is too bad. When will you be able to take it again?
E-MAIL: Spiderman
About 3 weeks perhaps
E-MAIL: Heather
during my driving test i was a wreck (no pun intended:)...i was sooo nervous. i am very lucky i passed. what are the tests like in sweden?
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Well, they are difficult, that's for sure. You drive around for 40 minutes and he checks how well you look in the mirrors how good attention you have, and he gives you some difficult tasks like reversing around a corner or someting else
E-MAIL: Heather
reversing around a corner?! when would you ever have to do that? here, all you do is drive around until you have covered all the basic skills (parking, driving, turning...) it's fairly easy. of course, if you go to the town just south of us, it's even easier. all you do there is drive around the block, and the instructor is satisfied!:)
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Oh, I envy you so much !!!
E-MAIL: Heather
oh... maybe i shouldn't have mentioned all that: ) but really, liscences to drive just isn't such a big deal here. i mean, they give 'em to fourteen year olds in some states. just look at any fourteen year old you know. would you give a liscense to he/she?! i wouldn't! so, you can imagine, we have many, many jerky drivers here too.
nO - kIddINg. thE lItTLe scREWBAllS dON'T dEsERvE thEM. hI.
E-MAIL: harmony
Happy Biryhday to Me!!!!!!!
E-MAIL: FroGgiEs
hAppY bIRtHdAY hARmoNy, wHeN WaS yOUr bIRthDAY? hOW coME nO-OnE WrItEs ANyMorE. i nEVer gET tO tAlk To yOU.
E-MAIL: harmony 4/5/98
i''m going to strat putting the date on all my posts so that i can tell when it was i wrote this suff
does any one want to buy a vinal record,it`s the beatles twist and shout(single)it`s in perfect condission copywright 1963 probably importedits a 45 if any one wants to contact me please e-mail me at
i think it's greet
I did not even know that they wrote that song but it is a great song. the rhythum the beat the feeling of the whole thing just made it all worth while to listen to it.
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