Comments for Velvet Underground, White Light-White HeatE-MAIL: One of the two foundation records of modern Punk (the other being the Stooges'' "Funhouse") I love this one, but I think in my graying age, I''m liking the third one (with "Pale Blue Eyes") on it even more. WHAT IS THIS???? I THOUGHT THAT VELVET UNDREGROUND AND NICO WAS FUCKING SHIT AND THERE'S ANOTHER ALBUM WICH SEEMS MORE WORST ANYWAY. THIS ALBUM ONLUY CONTAINS ONE SONG , WHITHE LIGHT WITHE HEAT, A SONG THAT WAS MAKE GREAT BY THE HELP OF STEVE HUNTER- DICK WAGNER ON ROCK'N ROLL ANIMAL. I ONLY WANT TO SAY ¿what MEANS THIS 17 MINUTES ABERRATION CALLED SISTER RAY?. IF LOU REEED DON'T HAVE IDEA OF MAKE GUITAR' SOLOS I THINK MAYBE HE CALL HUNTER WAGNER, MAKE A EPICAL STATMENT OF WHAT IS A SONG 17 MINUTES OF REALLY GUITAR SOLOSComments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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