Comments for Vomit Launch, DogearedE-MAIL: Contrary to the earlier info this is the 3rd album from the now defunct group Vomit Launch out of Chico, CA. A nicely balanced album with more of Patrica Rowlands introspective lyrics. Although this group never gained a widespread following it remains one of my favorite groups. The lyrics have honest emotion and the songs are catchy. Not a "happy" album, but it isn''t without I honestly adore this album and love the way patricia de rowland sings/talks. If anyone would send me the lyrics to this album, I would be very thankful. Debut LP from this Chico, CA, band. Standard four personsetup with great vocals (courtesy of Patricia Rowland) andtight bass/lead guitars. Music is similar to Scrawl andTsunami. Band is now unfortunately defunct.Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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