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Comments for McCartney, Paul, Flaming pie

E-MAIL: Heather
i can't get this album until may 27. that's my release date. but i like Steve Miller...some call me the Space Cowboy...
Hmmmm......everyone is saying that this is supposed to be his greatest album since Band On The Run. I have heard this same statement for Off The Ground, Flowers In The Dirt and the 6 albums before it. It's never true, and this rating of 7.0 (as on May 17) is not a ringing endorsement for this one I heard World Tonight yesterday and thought it was only average. I don't like Steve Miller either, but Space Cowboy is one of his best songs.
OK, you were referring to The Joker. He has a song called Space Cowboy too.
E-MAIL: Heather
i was visiting some Paul McCartney sites lately, and it turns out that Paul isn't going to do any promoting for this album. no tours, no concerts, no special appearances, nada. and he's working on a classical piece, i think.
i'm as big a mccartney fan as anyone and i was really excited about this album when i heard that it was coming out and all the comparisons to "band on the run". it came out yesterday, and after listening to it a few times i can tell you this is a good collection of songs, but should not be mentioned in the same breath as "band". the standout pieces are "the song we were singing", "flaming pie" (which has a mean piano lick, one of his best ever), and "somedays" has a pretty arrangement thanks to george martin. the big singles "the world tonight" and "young boy" are only alright and the rest of the songs are borderline mediocore. it seems like mccartney just doesn't have that much to say any- more. to be fair some of the jams and musicianship is superb, and the songs with steve miller showcase some fine guitar work. i think it's time for him to put together a band with ringo, george, julian lennon, elvis costello, elton john, steve miller and maybe his son james. just work with fresh people, with new ideas. i don't think the well has run dry, but the record shows that he works better in a band concept, or at least in collaboration with others (stevie wonder, michael jackson, costello, wings, etc...) maybe he should get together with a different producer who can perhaps tweak his sound somewhat. one way or another it's good to have new material from him, but the reality is that maybe his best days have already passed. shrug.
E-MAIL: Heather
stop typing "shrug". it shows weakness, indecision, and low self esteem.
E-MAIL: Krusty the Clown
Hi-ya kids! Ho-he-he-ha! I took a flaming pie in the face once, and it sure did hurt. Oy.
E-MAIL: Heather
what? ah, man! whoever you are (i think i know), you oughta be a comedian. i can't even type baecause i'm laughing!
E-MAIL: (June 4)
I just saw somewhere on the latest billboard chart that this album is #2 behind the Spice Girls. That's funny - the Spice Girls are more popular than Paul HA-HA. Seriously, I've never heard of the Spice Girls (but keep hearing about them). I don't watch MTV or listen to the radio. Why are they so popular? What is so great about them?
E-MAIL: Heather (who cares)
who cares why they're popular? they suck! go to the spice girls page on this site, and link to some of the hate pages. maybe you'll get an idea why we hate them then.
I don't visit hate pages. I don't want to know why people hate them. I want to know why they are more popular than Paul.
E-MAIL: Heather
well, then, i am not the person to ask.
Why not? It's the music of your generation. You are supposed to like them. I don't understand Nirvana and grunge either. So again, why are the Spice Girls better than Paul?
E-MAIL: Heather
i don't really know. marketing i guess. they're five girls with silly nicknames that were miniscule clothing while shouting "girl power!" they also do not do anything but "dance" and "sing". their songs include such amazingly fascinating lines like "i really really really wanna zigazag...ahhhh". i, along with most everyone i know, hate them with a passion.
That doesn't sound too good.
E-MAIL: Heather
well, what do you expect from them?
I don't know. Considering that Paul is so legendary, I would think that group that the charts say is supposed to be better than him actually is.
E-MAIL: Heather
why in hell would you think that?
because "Flaming Pie" has just slipped to #8 in the billboard charts, while this crummy sounding Spice Girls record is still #1.
E-MAIL: Heather
chart positions are not conducive to "who is better". not in America anyway.
I sure hope not.
E-MAIL: Heather
gawd, do i hate the spice girls!
I've still never heard them. It's amazing what you can miss when you refuse to watch MTV and never listen to the radio.
E-MAIL: Heather
consider yourself lucky, john. i really hate them.
I think they were on SNL earlier this year (missed that one). If they repeat it sometime this summer, I guess I'll find out what all the fuss is about (unless I have other plans).
E-MAIL: xena
hi everybody! so this is where you all went too. I love this album!oh I hate the spice girls too:)
E-MAIL: Heather
I hear that they're on this Saturday! I know I'll be'll be the only funny thing on the show: ). Hi, Xena!
Spice Girls the funniest thing on SNL - what a sad, pathetic & true statement.
E-MAIL: Heather
i opened my mailbox this morning...only to find...the spice girls were on the cover of rolling stone! [scream!!!]
I have know idea what they look like. They can be untalented & still look good.
E-MAIL: queasy
I just saw the Saturday Night Live show with the Spice Girls. Now I know what all of the fuss is about.....uh, stand back..... ;-{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{spice girls{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{spice girls{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{B(spice girls)ARF. There goes lunch & dinner. Sorry Heather, I hope I didn't get any on you.
E-MAIL: Heather
no, you missed me. i was far, far away...i'm really sorry you had to see that. now you know why i hate them?
Jesus Christ! I dislike millions of groups, but I never could have imagined that anybody could be THIS BAD.
E-MAIL: Heather
believe it, buddy. people like that shit. people spend hard-earned money on that shit. what's wrong with people?
What's even scarier is that some of these kids who like the Spice Girls today (and New Kids On The Block, Milli Vanilla Ice etc.) are going to be running the world in about 35 years. A Spice Girls fan could be our future president.
E-MAIL: Heather
hi, K.M.M. nice to see you, you seem like a friendly kind of person.
That wasn't meant as an insult. You must be a Spice Girls fan.
E-MAIL: Heather
but had it been an insult, it would have been lame. good thing it wasn't. another hit-and-run comment by a disgruntled spice girl fan.
I thought you didn't like them.
E-MAIL: Heather
like who? the spice girls? i hate them! what are you confused about now?
Wow, I just realized, that was my 1st "you suck." I can tab it next to all the "go to hells" and "fuck yous." It's nice to be loved :->
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Mummy finally bought this record, and I think it was very inspired by him. His best since "Band On The Run".
E-MAIL: Flower Child (formerly Heather)
hello, Spiderman! We have all missed you sooo much! It's great to have you back! what did you think of the album?
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I really liked it. Especially "Flaming Pie" and "The World Tonight".Steve Miller's great too.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I really liked it. Especially "Flaming Pie" and "The World Tonight".Steve Miller's great too.
E-MAIL: Flower Child
yeah. [laughs]. i have nothing to say. [smiles].
E-MAIL: Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at
E-MAIL: Heather
sweet God in heaven, this will never end!
E-MAIL: Get Your *Web-Based* Free Mail at
E-MAIL: harmony
it must be like the energizer bunny:)
E-MAIL: Heather
[sigh] you could say that. it follows me everywhere i go, no matter what. i am beginning to think this whole hotmail thing was one big mistake. it's almost as though i'm being stalked. i don't know who i can trust...
E-MAIL: Get Your *Web Based* Free Oatmeal at
E-MAIL: harmony
but if you didn't have hotmail you couldn't e-mail me:(
E-MAIL: Heather
that's the only reason why i keep it, Harmony: ) [you should feel special!]
E-MAIL: Get Your *Web Based* Free Spice at
E-MAIL: harmony
oh i do, i do, i do, i do:)
E-MAIL: Heather
verrry good: ) now john, stop it with the hotmail, the oatmeal, the spice, and whatever else you are planning. it's scaring poor little me!
E-MAIL: Get Your *Web Based* Free Love at
Huh? I was away in Philadelphia the last few days visiting relatives. What's this you're accusing me of now?
E-MAIL: Heather
you know damn well, John. i know you're game.
You're not making any sense :->
E-MAIL: Heather
confess, John. you know what i'm talking about.
OK, I confess. I hate the Yankees.
E-MAIL: Heather
doncha feel good now? i bet you do!
No I don't. They're winning tonight.
E-MAIL: harmony
E-MAIL: Heather
i don't get to see the game. would you tell me about it? did Tino (my boy) score?
I get everyone of their games on TV & I don't watch 1 second of them. I watch the Mets instead. Thankfully they lost 3-1 yesterday. Tino had a double in 4 at bats.
E-MAIL: Heather
well, i know you hate the Yankees with a passion...but, would you just let me know how Tino does when he plays? i can't get that info here, and i go crazy because of it.
They lost to Cleveland tonight 3-2 (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!) Tino went 0 for 2 with 2 walks.
You should goto each night. They print box scores in the sports section within hours after each game finishes.
E-MAIL: Heather
will they tell me exactly how Tino fared? i just realized what a big mistake asking you about the games is...that most likely won't happen again.
Yes, box scores tell you how the player did. I'm sure your newspapers have them too.
E-MAIL: Heather
our newspaper is "paper thin". they don't say much about the game other than who won. you forget where i live.
E-MAIL: Jimmy Page
Roswell?? See any strange stuff there???
E-MAIL: Heather
no, absolutely not. nothing strange has ever happened here, with the exception of thousands of tourists flooding our streets with nothing but aliens on their minds. now that was strange!
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Man, that must be annoying sometimes, lots and lots of stuoid tourists everywhere you go. When i was in Stockholm it was like that. Lots of japanese and fat american people. It actually made me feel proud to be a swede
E-MAIL: Heather
fat americans, huh? well, i guess they are everywhere, aren't they? i wish this country would lose some weight! oh, well. i guess you must have many tourists in sweden, but i'm sure it's not like how we have it here. one of every three people you talk to is from somewhere else. this is okay, sometimes, when the tourist is a good-looking guy...: )
E-MAIL: Spiderman
We don't really have THAT much tourists, but that week was terrible, no goodlooking tourists in sight...
E-MAIL: Heather
tourists can be the best, and the worst! if they are rude, unnice, and unattractive, that's the worst. but the poor, sweet guy with the dimples that's lost... well, i'll help him find his way... it just all depends, huh?:)
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I'm sorry for doing this all the time, but waht is dimples ?
E-MAIL: Heather
well... that's kinda tough. they're... well, on a person's face. this is tough to describe.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I think I know what you mean.
I don't have the feeling that this is a chatbox, so I will only add my comments on this album. It would be wrong to compare this with Macca's other albums, as it is wrong to compare albums with one another alltogether. I find Flaming Pie a nice deviation from the things Paul did in the years just before. The music is beautiful in all its simplicity.
E-MAIL: aardvark
I really like Band on the Run, how come nobody agrees with me? It is only rated at 6.5 on it's page. I believe it was far superior to Flaaming Pie which is rated at 9.1
E-MAIL: harmony 4/10/98
i still have not got this album! i am so mad at myself! i need to get it!
On his newest album there are nearly only acoustic songs.The most songs are written from McCartney. There are alsoplaying Jeff Lynne, Steve Miller, Ringo Starr, Linda McCartney and son James McCartney.The most songs were written some years ago.
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