Comments for mickeyHEAD, Hot PantsE-MAIL: Actually, we've done a full-length tape but have no plausible means of mass production so we're sorta sitting on it right now. we've also started playing with a few more well known bands, ex. Big Heifer, The Raymond Brake too. so there's your update.E-MAIL: E-MAIL: alright, our address is now, and one of these days you can try the URL to look at all sorts of intersting poo. Our album is in a very limbo-like state right now, and we need some help putting it out. We have the guts to achieve indie-rock glory. Oh yes.Call me (Nick) at (410)461-9532 or fax me at (410)461-2009 and we`ll set up a show, birthday party, or major label record contract. oh yeah, get rid of those brown m&m`s.Address:mickeyHEAD3529 Coventry Court DriveEllicott City, MD this is the best music ever!Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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