Comments for Hagar, Sammy, VOAE-MAIL: E-MAIL: The album is definately all sammy. The album as a whole is missing something but 5 of 8 good songs make up for any deficiencies it may have. The Album must be considered a classic because of I can't drive 55 and Dick in the dirt. It marked one of the first good quality recording albums sammy did up to this point of his career. If you don't own this one don't bother with any other ones until you do.E-MAIL: TRASH!GARBAGE!DON'T BUY IT! YOU'LL BE SORRY! PITIFUL!E-MAIL: Dont let DL tell you that. The album is good. Very. Its not like anything you''ve ever listened to. Its its own. YOu cant compare it to anything.....takes a bit of getting used to...but Like hard rock...needs to be listened to very LOUD....that is what it was intended for . And obviously DL has a little portable with crappy sound!!!!Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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