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Comments for Ghoul, Kill the Kitten

This album is perhaps one of the best punk/alternacore albums to come out in some time. The sound, for a New York band is a brand of crisp and clear noise. There is no pretentiousness (perhaps there is no reason for any); it`s just four guys who love playing. The entire album has a live feel that, if you`ve ever seen them live, is amazing. From track 1 through track 12, you`ll be mystified. The album contains some intelligent and original (it is possible for punk to be original) punk/metal songs plus some offbeat but electrifiying covers such as Def Leppard`s "Photograph" and the Cars` "You Might Think." There is even a Van Halen cover. The band, from what I have read is a bunch of humorous guys who basically did the covers, not in tribute to the bands but in tribute to the times when these songs could actually be popular. The music is heavily influenced by the Misfits, Sabbath, and Soundgarden (who also does offbeat covers). The guitarist, Green Luther is pretty gifted, proven by his solo on "Richard Nixon." You might ask, "These guys have solos?" The answer is "Yes but they are unfeigned and not arena-rock type self-indulgent ones. Their cover of Nirvana`s early song, "Love Buzz" is faithful to the original. The album is a must buy for fans of bands that range from the Sex Pistols and Minor Threat to bands like the Unborn and Pearl Jam. Also, if you get the chance to see these guys live, do so. It`ll be time well spent. The mosh pits are fierce but friendly and the guys` stage antics are a mix of ridiculous and savage. The lead singer, Maurice N. Hades, who wears clothes like longjohns with Umbros over them, no shirt (or a Cramps t-shirt) and Doc Martens, often sings melodies of cover songs, writhes ecstatically onstage and really gets the crowd into it. In a New York show at CBGB`s, he let two guys come on stage and sing "Down Under in Austria." The bassist, MCS Baggue, throws rubbber frogs and beer into the crowd. He and the guitarist, Billy P. (if the stage is big enough) swing on harnesses onstage and just float around like Van Halen in the "Panama" video. The drummer Matt Psyke is the only one who maintains any control, giving order to the music and theatrics on stage. The band even plays requests. One guy asked them to play a Ramones song and they did. If you get a chance, test out the extent of their repertoire by requesting an arcane song. You`ll be surprised.
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