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Comments for Monster Magnet, Dopes to Infinity

After seeing Monster Magnet at Barrymore's in Ottawa in 95, I am convinced that this band is truly going to make a huge mark on the alterative music scene. All their albums awesome, but Dopes to Infinity is truly an epic.
Great album. There best. Listen to nr 4. It rulez!
Dopes to Infinity is Monster Magnets first album on A&M. It is a small departure from their earlier albums and has a cleaner sound to it. Some fans insist that this is the album where Monster Magnet "sold out", but I prefer to think of it as evolution. The one thing that remains constant, is that all of Monster Magnets albums rock. Check out the previously unreleased stuff that is on some of the singles from this album, Eclipse This, and I''m Five Years Ahead Of My Time are both worthy of any album and Forbidden Planet is a 16 minute instrumental space journey (or acid trip).
One of my favorite albums. Probably their only really goodone. Wyndorf is a master, but I think he likes to screw around too much. On Superjudge, there`s a line from oneof the songs that says "my dick just got 5 billion timesbigger." Funny, but dumb. This album is very well written,bordering on the songs of Kyuss.
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