Comments for Mind Science Of The Mind, s-tE-MAIL: I would have given this masterpiece a "10" but it is TOO short they should have busted out with a double album! A must for any current Shudder to Think fan or anyone with the balls to try something new. Definately a great album! unfortunately this band became another victim of a record company merger. now they are out of print. too bad for you. This is a collaboration between Shudder To Think`s NathanLarson (guitar, bass, vocals, etc.), Helium`s Mary Timony (guitar, synth, etc.) and The Dambuilder`s Joan Wasser(violin) and Kevin March (drums)--but, in reality, it`s allNathan`s big, lovely, wacked-out baby. MSOTM is a true rockband in that they really dig in and play with vigorousconviction. But, boy, the songs (all written by Nathan, save for one) are strange, non-linear, time-signature- non-conscious beasts. The guitar work is alternately sweetand elegant, then raucous and dissonant . . . and Nathan asa vocalist is in possession of as much charismatic swaggeras Craig Wedren, the frontman for his real band Shudder To Think. He sings like his soul makes him do it. Uponreading the lyrics and experiencing the warped music,however, one quickly finds that the true motivator is most likely the devil. Excellent stuff!Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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