Comments for Images In Vogue, Images In Vogue e.p.E-MAIL: Yeah. This is my favourite eighties record. I made a xerox T-shirt of it, and _happened_ to be wearing it one day at a download show in Toronto, and the subways _happened_ to have ceased at one A.M., and I happened to have to hang around for a ride, where Cevin happened to be hanging around for the roadies to nab his stuff, and he happened to sign my IIV shirt. Regardless of the melodrama, it is a great album, (my very favourite vinyl possesion) and I''ve met lots of people wearing the shirt. Images In Vogue were one of the first and bestelectronic bands in Canada. This e.p. representtheir best work to date. Extremely complex sequences,powerful songwritting, and top notch musicianship makethis one of the best electronic albums of all time. Thedrummer for IIV, Kevin Crompton, went on to formSkinny Puppy while the guitarist, Don Gordon, wenton to form the band NUMB. --I cannot recommend thisalbum more. EXCELLENT!Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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