Comments for Happyhead, Give HappyheadE-MAIL: The lyrics are surpassed only by the music. If the group had a minimally competent promotion or marketing agent, they would be HUGEE-MAIL: If anyone knows where I could get a copy, please let me knowE-MAIL: 6/98- get yours for $10 @ Int''l Imports Retail Store - online. What a wonderful dance. I canīt stand WOW! This album is a hidden gold mine of songs. The music is surpassed only by the excellent lyrics. Loved practically ALL of the HappyHead Give is one of my favorite all time CDs. I am surprised to find so little Web content about this band.The absolute best dance, lyrics and rhythmns the 90's has to offer.Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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