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Comments for Mathieu, Mireille, Vous lui direz...

A great album! Mireille has chosen a whole new line of composers, text-writers... It's an album that talks about life, love etc. It makes one think about one's own life! A masterpiece!
Mireille est une chanteuse de l''amour. Vous trouvez encore une Mireille passionante. Plutot c''est la magnificence de la voix d''or de Mireille..Ces chansons existent car Mireille vivifie le texte-Mireille a fait sonner ensemble des paroles et de la musique, et donc voici un ouvrage tres vif. This is an exciting album. Here you''ll find the passionate Mireille. Mireille''s magnificent voice makes this album a great treasure. The songs exist because Mireille has made the words and the music balance-Mireille has brought life to the text and made this album an excellent musical treasure.
Mireille Mathieu, the most superb vocalist from France, who sings in 11 different languages all around teh world, returns to her cheerful, upbeat style with this winning album filled with emotion, sadness, joy and sincerity. Admirers say this is her best album in years! It is both modern yet at the same time Mireille does not betray her style, which has brought her so much success in over thirty countries, which is rare for a singer from France. BRAVO MIMI!
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