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Comments for Mathieu, Mireille, Les plus grands succès de Mireille MATHIEU

Cet album est une collection des chansons les plus aimees par le public. Mireille est une chanteuse de grand talent, et ainsi on peut reconnaitre sa creation musicale qui est devenue mondiale. This album is a collection of songs mostly loved by the public. Mireille is a singer of great talent, and from this album, one recognizes how Mireille''s songs are loved all over the world.
A collection of Mireille`s largest hits in France. When this compilation hit the stores in France in 1988, it was a gold record within the month.
I need to buy this albom.So, would you please kindly inform me how can I order CD of it. Thanks a lot in advance and all the best. Abdulla Houston,Texas 77056 USA
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