Comments for Marilyn Manson, beatles kick assE-MAIL: mmm.. satin..E-MAIL: Dr. Robert Henry O'Cleary You are the guy who said he/she was Trent Reznor and put portrait of the American Family on the Beatles page.You did not fool anyone. What do you have against the Beatles. Are they bad?? Are they trendy???Are their fans posers? Are they too old?? Are you a shizophrenic?Do you worship sataq ??E-MAIL: WE''RE ALL STARS NOW IN THE DOPE SHOW YOU SUCK YOU QUEER FUCKING COCK BITING SPAZZY FUCKINGG BEATLES FANS AND NIGGER-LOVERS!!!!666 sign of the Manson would kick your ass for being a racist Just another comment for Kim the racist whore. Everyone knows that "666" is the sign of the beast. You didn't need to emphasize on that. If your favorite lyric from every Marilyn Manson album out there is "We're all stars now in the Dope Show" you don't know shit. Fuck you. Don't use fucking racist words to express yourself. That just shows everyone that you are a simple-minded racist motherfucker and it just gives us real Manson fans a bad name. If they don't like Marilyn Manson, so fucking what? You don't have to degrade yourself by using racist terms, You dumb stupid racist fuckin slutComments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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