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Comments for Hanson, Middle of Nowhere

This is the best album I have ever heard! Ike, Tay, and zac were made for the music buisness!! The best track on the CD is deffinately Madeline!!!
Middle of Nowhere gets five stars (*****)! Ike, Tay, and Zac wre made for the music buisness!! I think they'll be around for a very, very long time!!!
This SHIT just proves kids cant make good music The same for SilverChair YUCK!!!!!!!!
Finally pop returns fully in 1997...during the most depressing decade in terms of music, the 1990s, with grunge/alternative and some really outta there dance music there's something that's nice to the ears and heart. I hope these guys stay around! *****
E-MAIL: Hanson Sucks!
This is nothing more than cheesy, overproduced, adolescent, pop dreck reminscent of such non-talents as Milli Vanilli and the Spice Girls. Don't you people have any taste in music at all? Forget about all this commercial pop crap, and try listening to something with intelligence in it... such as Sarah McLAchlan and Paula Cole.
E-MAIL: blivoeur@bc.Carleton.CA
It's not their fault that these people listen to crappy music. You have to remember one thing... If there's any music that's widely available on the market today, there's a a good chance that it'll be very bad. Just because an album sells a lot of copies or that that many people listen to it doesn't necessarily mean that it's good. The often unsuspecting and innocent masses aren't always capable of determinging what is good and what is bad. The media says "This is a popular song, because we(radio stations) play it all the time, therefore you should go out and buy it.", and people fall for it. The music industry could care less about the fact that they fabricate pseudo-musical groups that play pseudo-music for a pseudo-music industry, just as long as they know that they'll continue making money consumers buying their garbage. CONT. NEXT MSG:
E-MAIL: Last msg. cont.
because consumers will always continue to buy their garbage. That's why groups such as Milli Vanilli, Spice Girls and Hanson sell millions of records and win tons of grammies each year, while more serious musicians the likes of Sarah McLachlan barely get mentioned at all.
E-MAIL: Die Hanson!!!
this album must really suck! just look at the very low ratings, and all of the anti-hanson sites out there! No more cheesy, sounding, commercial pop music!!!! Down with Hanson and Milli Vanilli!!!
A poorly produced album, and appropriately rated for such a reason.
E-MAIL: Hahahahaha!!!
Check out the local database references and WWW sites linked to Hanson!!!
This is a prime example of horriby-produced, cheesy, pop music catered to those without a clue to what is good quality music. For those of you who are still not convinced, then check out the "Bands That Are Cheesy" site. The URL link can be found on the previous page.
E-MAIL: Getting one soon!
Has anyone ever noticed how MMMBop sounds very much like the Partridge Family's music? Score another one for the forces of evil...
E-MAIL: Hanson Aryans Must Go!
Fuck Hanson, and their predominantly white-trash, adolescent, female fans. You will find more people of color at a David Duke rally!
Considering the type of music that they play, it's quite baffling to find that their base fan support is comprised of mostly white females betw. the ages of 8-14. When they appeared on the Rosie O'Donnell show a few months ago, I noticed that most blacks and hispanics weren't really clapping along with whites in the audience. And, those that were, were only doing it because they seemed uncomfortable of what whites might perceive of them if they didn't go along with the white majority.
E-MAIL: Pseudo Music Should Be Banned!
There's a clearly simple explanation as to why most Hanson fans are are white, adolescent girls between the ages of 8-14. It's because Hanson consists of 3 girls between the ages of 8-14!
E-MAIL: Pseudo Music Should Be Banned!
That is 3 *WHITE*, adolescent girls between the ages of 8-14!
E-MAIL: ????
An averge rating of 1.6 by 254 people seems very low to me. Are they really that bad, or is the rating based on some sort of highly complicated scale?
This music database uses a simple 1 to 10 rating system, of which "Middle Of Nowhere" received only a 1 (1.6). You asked whether or not if this was bad. Let me put it to you this way.... There is no such thing as a 0 rating!!!!
Hanson should get on that bus with the colored squares and drive back to the Middle of Nowhere!
E-MAIL: We Love Time Magazine!
There was recently an article in the July 21, 1997 issue of Time Magazine about the Lilith Fair, which is a traveling musical festival featuring top singers-songwriters- musicians from around the world. There was also a paragraph reserved for attacking anti-feminist bands and other such unworthy groups. Here's what it had to say: "Still, Lilith is a welcome development. Right now, pop music is flaccid. The prefab hype of Spice Girls, the sugar- shock kiddie ditties of Hanson, the admirable but inexcusable tiresomeness of Bob Carlisle, the horrific power screechhing of Celine Dion- turn it off. Turn it all off. It's meaningless olestra music, artificial and nutrient-free. The Lilith tour and the coffeehouse-pop crowd can help halt pop's garbage-chute slide. Such music(at the Lilith), on the surface, is gentle enough to slip onto radio playlists, but deep down there are ideas, there is emotion, there is life...Said Shellie Knawa, 30, a Seattle computer-manual writer: `This is finally a chance for our voice, WOMEN, to be heard.'
Everyone is entilted to their own opinion...if only white people like Hanson then so be it! They're a talented group and I respect them for standing up against such blatant racism (and ageism)!! Hanson, rock on!
They're about as talented as the Brady Bunch on a bad night. Fighting against agesism? What age are they fighting against? Sanity? David Duke is also combatting blatant racism against white people just like the 3 Hanson chicks are.
E-MAIL: Mrs. Hanson
You people should be ashamed of yourselfs. My 3 boys just read this page and their feelings are soooooo hurt, they cried themselves to sleep. They might need therapy - they think nobody likes them. This is great music: no sex, drugs or devil stuff. If the young generation X listened to nothing but Hanson, all of the world's ills could be cured.
E-MAIL: Hahahaha!!!!
NKOTB and Michael Bolton fans said the same thing, and where do you think it got them? The Middle of Nowhere! Sorry, I couldn't resist!
The Hanson Girls are Charles Manson's love children.
In recent months, there has been a rise of abuse on this database, mostly in the form of repeated ratings submissions- especially regarding Pink Floyd and Spice Girl albums. I have warned time and again that if improper use of this system continued, that I would prosecute to the fullest. Nonetheless, you people never seem to heed my advice. Therefore, it is my intention to contact your provider(s) to obtain their full cooperation with the authorities. Also, don't think that you'll get away just because you've entered a false email address. I have also warned you in the past about the installed cookie program which tracks and logs *real* addresses of people who post or submit, so don't go crying to me that you didn't know about it. The fact of the matter is that you shouldn't have abused my database in the first place and had already been *warned*. Sites from where abuses originate will also be closed off to this database. The blame for any inconvenience this might cause should be directed towards those who will be held liable. As a matter of fact, I don't see no reason why I shouldn't give law abiding netizens the opportunity to do so by posting e-mail addresses of offending users in public.
Due to abuse and improper use, I have decided to close this database down for good within the next few weeks. I would highly recommend `' as an alternative site. - Andy
E-MAIL: Private
I think it's a bummer that this system is going down.... All because of a bunch pre-pubescent adolescents who have nothing better to do than to hack web sites or popping their pimples. It's just not right that most of us have to suffer at the hands of a reckless few. :( Posting their e-mail in public wouldn't be such a bad idea after all!
E-MAIL: Lola
Go ahead and post those email addresses Andy! I would love nothing more than to contact these assholes and their Internet providers, and to flood their mailboxes with flames! And I won't be the only one too!
E-MAIL: Hanson Sucks!!!
Wow!!! Just look at the ratings: 1676 people voted for an average score of 0.0 out of a possible 10. This album must really suck!!!
E-MAIL: Hanson Must Die!!!
To the person who keeps on submitting 10's in an attempt to raise the ratings for "Middle of Nowhere": Give it up. You can't win!!!!!
E-MAIL: Hanson Must Die!!!
Alright- since you're going to play the persistent asshole with a lot of time on your hands, I hope you enjoy the new rating of "-10.0". Who knows... If you go at a steady pace, you might even get it back to "0.0" within the next 2 weeks. That is unless I decide to change it back. What? Aren't you even going to say something?!?!? Why are you always quiet even though you continue to submit???? To scared, maybe???? Well, have fun!!!!!
E-MAIL: Hanson Must Die!!!
Alright- since you're going to play the persistent asshole with a lot of time on your hands, I hope you enjoy the new rating of "-10.0". Who knows... If you go at a steady pace, you might even get it back to "0.0" within the next 2 weeks. That is unless I decide to change it back. What??? Aren't you even going to say something?!?!? Why are you always quiet even though you continue to submit???? Too scared, maybe???? Well, have fun!!!!!
E-MAIL: aksjdhaskjd

Man, do they suck! If they sucked anymore they'd be a vacuum cleaner. Just the same, I got that friggen Um-Bop song or whatever the hell it's called, imbedded in my brain the other day and I danmed near needed an exercist to get it out! They suck. They're so soul-less, they make the Carpenters look like the Allman Brothers!
Also, does it burn anyone else's ass that three talentless pre-pubescent twits are pulling in more money than Ted Turner?
For one being 17, one 14 and one 12, the brothers Hanson have created a solid musical effort in my opinion. It's a pity it was not taken too seriously, although it was a massive sensation in 1997. They know how to make great catchy pop songs like the irresistable "MmmBop" and "Where's The Love" but they can also write thoughtful and emotion-driven numbers like "Yearbook" and "Weird", and love songs like "I Will Come For You". They are unique, and their vocals are youthful but emotional too. Some of it is edgy but polished too, they give little nods to grunge/alternative sometimes, but it is definatly mainstream. There are influences from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s but MIDDLE OF NOWHERE is an essential 1990s album. Forget their ages and their looks, Hanson is a talented group. Enjoy their music and their excellent musicianship. One of the best pop/rock albums in a while.
For one being 17, one 14 and one 12, the brothers Hanson have created a solid musical effort in my opinion. It's a pity it was not taken too seriously, although it was a massive sensation in 1997. They know how to make great catchy pop songs like the irresistable "MmmBop" and "Where's The Love" but they can also write thoughtful and emotion-driven numbers like "Yearbook" and "Weird", and love songs like "I Will Come For You". They are unique, and their vocals are youthful but emotional too. Some of it is edgy but polished too, they give little nods to grunge/alternative sometimes, but it is definatly mainstream. There are influences from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s but MIDDLE OF NOWHERE is an essential 1990s album. Forget their ages and their looks, Hanson is a talented group. Enjoy their music and their excellent musicianship. One of the best pop/rock albums in a while.
For one being 17, one 14 and one 12, the brothers Hanson have created a solid musical effort in my opinion. It's a pity it was not taken too seriously, although it was a massive sensation in 1997. They know how to make great catchy pop songs like the irresistable "MmmBop" and "Where's The Love" but they can also write thoughtful and emotion-driven numbers like "Yearbook" and "Weird", and love songs like "I Will Come For You". They are unique, and their vocals are youthful but emotional too. Some of it is edgy but polished too, they give little nods to grunge/alternative sometimes, but it is definatly mainstream. There are influences from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s but MIDDLE OF NOWHERE is an essential 1990s album. Forget their ages and their looks, Hanson is a talented group. Enjoy their music and their excellent musicianship. One of the best pop/rock albums in a while.
E-MAIL: Hanson Sucks
Like my predecessor said, if this band sucked anymore they'd be a vacuum cleaner! Hey, Ian.... Check out the minus five (-5) rating. That's how bad they are. Just like the Backdoor Boys(check out their new minus rating!!!)!!! Maybe if you were to keep submitting repeated ratings of "10", you might even get it back to "0.0" in a day or 2!!! Have fun!!!!!
Perhaps, if the 'serious music' issue is left out and artists can make whatever kind of music they want, whether its folk, bubblegum or hip hop. Everybody has their own taste; if there was only one kind of music it would be boring, without a doubt. Hanson's music is quite good, even if it's not soul searching like Sarah McLaughlan or Paula Cole, or gritty like grunge groups. It may be polished, but at least it SOUNDS good and has a nice appeal to it, and positive messages. Besides, Hanson has written some deep songs like "Weird". If "Weird" was recorded by Paula Cole, I bet everyone would take it seriously. A lot of people have trouble accepting some groups because of their image or how they are presented. The Hanson brothers possess nice abilities in musicianship, singing, and songwriting.
E-MAIL: Hanson sucks
Paula Cole wouldn't write "Wierd", of course, because she's not as lame or stupid as Hanson.
Even as a lightweight "bubblegum" group, Hanson falls short. Their hairdresser has all the talent!
this is the best album ever made. i would die for hanson. hanson is life and they rock! hanson's #1 fan, nicole
This CD is okay. For their age it''s fine. But don''t expect to fall madly in love with it.
Can you say `Darn those evil Spice Girls!`?
Please, what is the definition of pseudo music?
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