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Comments for Minogue, Aine, Between The Worlds

From the liner notes:The Threshold------------- The visible is that which we can see. That which we cannotsee, we call invisible. Great religions of our life aregoverned by invisible presence. No one can see time, yet itis one of the most powerful of invisible forces. Music isthe one art form that changes our experience of time. Weenter the deeper dimension of time where the eternal ishidden. Time is never still; it brings us to new frontiersin every moment.The Celtic imagination was never dualistic; it experiencedno separation of visible and invisible, temporal andeternal. Celtic music echoes this fluent unity. Aine Minogue has pitched her new album in this interim worldof the threshold where these infinities meet. The vibrance,energy and mystery of their encounter is given voice in theimagination of her music. There on those subtle spiritualthresholds, the ocean beseeches the land, the light testsand blesses the dark, the exile dreams of home, echoing theinner threshold where soul and mind ebb and flow into oneanother. This music is suffused with the powerful resonanceof the great Celtic feasts -Beltaine, Samhain, Lughnasadhand Imbolc- when the veil between visible and invisible islifted; that gentle membrane where silence becomes audible.The great conductor Sergiu Celibidache said, "we do notcreate music, we merely create the conditions so that shecan arrive." Aine Minogue achieves these conditions with apoise that is gentle and sure. -John O`Donohue
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