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Comments for Can, Free Concert (Aka: Dokodaie)

The songs on this album are listed correctly on the cover, but are very wrong on the disc. For example the groups name is not on the disc itself and the songs are listed as follows: -Mushroom is titled "Magic Mush". -Spoon is titled "Knife". -Bring Me Coffee Or Tea is Titled "Coffee And Tea". -Halleluwah is titled "Hellow". -Doko Daie is titled "The Concert". There is also a track not listed or separated for a song connected to "Spoon" for which the title is a mystery to me.
I can elucidate. The concert was recorded for and broadcast on german TV. You can hear the TV announcer talking near the beginning on here; I assume that this was bootlegged from the film footage itself. It's atandard practice with bootlegs not to actually print the artists name or actual song titles, but actually to use inside jokes, i.e. Spoon becomes Knife, etc. That way if you are caught with the illegal bootlegs it is not obvious that they are in fact illegal bootlegs. This disc has 50 min.s of aggressive feed-back laden Can from early 1972. It's okay but the one track which is really must-hear for fans is the 20-minute version of Spoon. It's a great groove and the 3 minute version is a good starting point but it's really great here. The disc also contains a 27 minute excerpt from the Doko E session (supposedly there is a 50-minute version, this must be the majority of that take). It's got a certain charm and as a Can fan I'm really glad to have a copy of it.
Actually, I''ve decided that the 27 minutes of "Doko E" is fantastic too. It''s a great groove. This CD is definitely worth seeking out, "Spoon" & "Doko E" are massive.
Recorded live 1972 in Koln,Germany. I assume that this was aradio broadcasted concert due to announcer on Introduction (speaking German). The quality is good for such an old bootleg. The only sound problems is the presence of tape hiss(sounds like cassettes from that time period) and drop outs andunusual editing in Halleluwah. This disc is rare, you are lucky ifyou find it. They are an amazing band live.
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