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Comments for Poe, Haunted
As some of you probably know, this album was produced as a (semi-) companion piece to the unique, engrossing, and sometimes chilling Mark Z. Danielewski psedo-horror novel House of Leaves, which, btw, I can not recommend more highly. Mark and Poe are brother and sister, and both started their projects after the death of their father, the documentary filmmaker Tad Danielewski. They borrowed and reinterpreted eachothers ideas and themes in their respective projects, so, while not wholely colaborative, they are very much related. I bought (OK, burned, then bought) the album, hoping to augment my understanding of the book, and not so much for the music. To my surprise, this has become one of my favorite albums. Poe's voice is great, and her powerful, eerie vocals are especially good here. Haunted is a concept album about her relationship with her father, her life as a child, and her life as it stands today. Song stylings are varied - from spoken word (by Mark Danielewski, from his book, actually) to acoustic to pop/altrock with Poe's voice providing coherence through the whole album. Title track is probably my favorite. This is a much more mature/finished work than her debut. I hope you like it as much as I do.
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