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Comments for Eminem, The Eminem Show
The Eminem Show is the great new album by Eminem. I enjoyed listening to it but i was struck that Eminem does not 'pop rap' on this album. So only buy this album if u enjoy genuine rap. Ben Cole
I bought this album only knowing 3 songs and was surprised hearing the other songs were just as good... some even better. If you've heard Cleaning Out My Closet and you like it, I reccommend this for you because that was one of the first songs I heard. I love this album and I give it a 9.5/10 for it's creative lyrics. I also recommend it to the HARD CORE RAPPERS! Marshall all the way. -Emily
it's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really reallyit's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really reallyit's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really reallyreally really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really reallyit's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really reallyit's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD
Not its realy good
This CD is for idiots.
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