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Comments for Clapton, Eric, From the CradleB

My opinion about this album is it's simply superb. However, I think E.C. must try makinga blues' album containig his own blues songs.
I think that this album is great. It is a project that he has been wanting to do for some time. The songs are more than just covers, most of them have been completely reworked. Check out track 11 "Driftin'" and compare it to track three from E.C was Here "Drifting Blues" Same song, but very different.
I don't know how to explain. Simply wonderful,simply blues.
This album reminds us why E.C. is one of the best guitar/blues players!. In this album he plays the songs he grew-up with and the ones who influenced him the most. I think this is one of his best albums and one of the best blues album ever. A must-have. If you want some info about the making of this album just send me an e-mail, and remember: E.C. is GOD!
When one of the best guitarists in the world plays the music he loves most it should be great. "From the Cradle" is a powerful and moving album. Eric's passion for the blues hits hard and leaves you wanting more. Hopefully Eric will do more blues albums in the future.
I was not that big of a blues fan until I bought this album. It is simply awesome!! Clapton is the king of the guitar!!! I would love for him to put out another blues album, this time with songs that HE wrote!! Buy it is you haven't already!!!
this disk, i think is Clapton's greatest work since he was with CREAM. i would like to have seen him do his own material but i will take anything that he now puts out. If you have any thing you would like to say or any interesting info write to me.
A noble attempt by Clapton to revive some of those great blues standards. However, I am going to differ in opinion and say that Clapton really shouldn''t be considered ''a great blues artist'' After all, the man has played rock for the majority of his career and its very presumptuous of those whose claim clapton to a blues hero. Clapton is one of the finest but not necessarily in the blues world.
Album of blues covers recalling Eric`s roots and influences.
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