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Comments for TheClose, One Mic EP
great music...keep going that way!
the close was one of the most bizarre bands i saw when i was on a holiday in the netherlands, when a friend of my took me to this little town called ilpendam. there was this mini scale festival going on carrying about a 1000 souls. and at first it was just another day on vine kinda feeling till about 6-7 o clock this band came on stage, with three freaky junky looking guys nirvana likish. they introduced themeselves and it looked like there wasent much going to happen, except for the fashion industries maybe, until they started out with this intro, like a train was comming straight at you, and they bashed in with a really pumped-up spanish/metal tune way over the top, and it had me blown away. the songs where kinda strange but these guys had something. something really bizarre but still very familiar, even somethimg nice between all the violence of smashing guitars and all. it was one of my most bizarre gigs i saw that day, but it was awesome. greetings nick
hello everbody who reads this, i find it most ackward to find my own music on the net on a site which i never heard of before, but still, it,s nice to know there are people out there who after all this time like our music. though we're not a band anymore we still play in bands and the drummer and myself are building up a new band together which hopefully will be better than our previous work, the hardcore close days are kind of over for it would have led to our destruction, in terms of drugs and other addicting substances, but nevertheless. we're still alive and we're still kicking in a more classical kinda of way (though ed still loves unannounced hardcore sex) hopefully we'll hope you love our new works aswell, but i'm not gonna tell you anything about it, you'll have to seek for yourselfs, this was jim orki from theClose| from amsterdam, blablabla. till next time, or maybe not. catch you on the flipp-side. 8)
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