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Comments for Duran Duran, 20 B Sides

Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John strangebehaviorisgoingtomyhead strangebehaviorisgoingtomy head strangebehaviorisgoingtomyhead strangebehaviorisgoingto myhead strangebehaviorisgoingtomyhead STRANGEBEHAVIORISGOINGTOMYHEAD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA these guys are FINE! they are the best band around! all their albums rule! and boy can they rap(haha)!!!! white lines white lines white lines white lines white lines i could sing and talk and dream and watch and listen and write about them aallll daaaayy! duran duran rules duran duran rules duran duran rules duran duran rules duran duran rules
I`ve hesitated to post this as I don`t know all the titles and I`ve probably mislabeled others. This was to be released before Meddazaland, but the various labels (who own the right to these songs) couldn`t reach an agreement so only some test pressings got out. The cd itself and the case have no labels whatsoever so I have no idea who did the pressing. I`d heard there was to be a Japanese release called Strange Behaviour, a double remix cd, but that hasn`t surfaced as yet. If anyone else has this cd and knows some of the songs I`ve not labeled please e-mail me.All told, it`s sad that this was never really released as it`s an interesting collection with some really great early tracks and some very hard to find rareties. If anyone knows anything about the Strange Behaviour release (such as a track listing) I`d love to hear about it.
Hey person above me. I've got some info on Strange behavior. It was also released in USA and I've seen it in stores. I remember only a few tracks though. Te Wild Boys, American Science, Heck that's all I can remember. Well, I hope I'v been helpful.
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