Comments for Hawkwind, Bring me the head of Yuri GagarinE-MAIL: Another Hawkwind album everyone should avoid... Anyone reading this should avoid "Year 2000: Codename Hawkwind" at all costs. That album was also put out by Dave Anderson's Demi-Monde label, and the sound quality on it(especially CD-2) is just downright horrible that "Bring Me The Head..." now finally has some competition in the "Hawkwind Albums To Avoid At All Cost" category!!! Heed this warning as if it were a Sonic Attack(sorry, I couldn't resist)!!!!E-MAIL: Another Hawkwind album everyone should avoid... Anyone reading this should avoid "Year 2000: Codename Hawkwind" at all costs. That album was also put out by Dave Anderson''s Demi-Monde label, and the sound quality on it(especially CD-2) is just downright horrible that "Bring Me The Head..." now finally has some competition in the "Hawkwind Albums To Avoid At All Cost" category!!! Heed this warning as if it were a Sonic Attack(sorry, I couldn''t resist)!!!! Recently voted the worst-ever Hawkwind album. This is anappallingly recorded live set from 1973. (This is the dategiven on the record sleeve. On the CD label (CDCHARLY 40)it says 1976 but that is clearly wrong). Demi-Monde is thelabel run by ex-Hawkwind bassist Dave Anderson which mayexplain how this came to get released. The CD sound is betterbut the recording level still varies alarmingly. Plus points:the only released versions of "The egg" and "Wage war", bothBob Calvert poems.Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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