Comments for Icehouse, Man Of ColoursE-MAIL: I'm surprised there aren't any comments in here about this album - it's magnificent. The production is years before its time. Iva Davies has produced an aural onslaught on this album which, I believe, is still the second highest selling album in Australia ever. Nobody in the UK took any notice (just the few of us who had taste) and this album became somewhat of a personal favourite. I last heard it a few days ago, after listening to more recent stuff like "Big Wheel" and "Code Blue", and it has dated less than some of the more recent efforts. Yeah, this is the one to get. It's pure pop perfection.E-MAIL: I love this album!! Covers the whole range too, from a quiet, emotional "Man of Colours" to a more aggressive, yet fun "Nothing Too Serious". All of the songs evoke striking imagery. If listening to this album isn''t a full sensory experience, you are truly missing out on one of the greatest things life can offer. "Electric Blue" is one of my favourites though, and I believe the 45rpm record (for those of you in the total CD generation) was pressed in electric blue vinyl. Very cool!! I have had about 4 copies of this album on tape and CD and somehow they keep getting lost/stolen. I have just found a copy on and I am so excited. I play the guitar and I have been trying to work out the chords to Heartbreak Kid in my head, but now I am only a couple of weeks away from being able to perform it! I was devastated that the album was recalled from shops in Australia due to some tiff the band had with its label or something, and I never thought to get on the web. An absolutely sensational album, each song on it brings back heaps of great Yes, that`s really cool album. So different tracks... From energetic "Electric Blue" through "Kingdom" to "Man Of Colours" where oboe (core-anglais) appears. "Crazy" - electronic rock pearl. Mu obsession with fantastic vocals.Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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