Comments for Magnetic Fields, Wayward Bus, TheE-MAIL: This album is amazing, especially the first 4 tracks and 100,000 Fireflies. I prefer the newer Wayward Bus material - its less experimental, more focused, better melodies. I keep getting this Motown influence from the songs. I could see remakes of this material with soul singers, or even full-on guitars ala Afghan Whigs. If you haven''t heard them before, its VERY SYNTH. Also has textures of tuba, guitar, toy instruments, etc. Very little bass. Susan''s voice is very melodic, kind of thin. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED This is simply a reissue of the out of print PoPuP Records album by thesame name. It incorporates not only the artwork and notes from the originalPoPuP release, but also that of DISTANT PLASTIC TREES. It also adds theblank track to separate DISTANT PLASTIC TREES from the newer WAYWARD BUSmaterial, although they are not presented in chronological order.Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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