Comments for Marillion, Seasons EndE-MAIL: **1/2 oh hum. We all miss the Fish/Marillion collaberation. PRIME CUTS-- the first couple of tracks aren't too bad, goes down hill from there. --J.teelE-MAIL: FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING WANKER!!! "Downhill after the first few tracks", eh? More like you''ve got a gammy CD player. No, of course, you too much of a peasant to afford a CD player are''nt you? Listen, ''Easter'' is their best ever track so it''s BOUND to be downhill from then on. Ach, I''m sick to the back teeth of your sort. Just sod off. -----------KING KONG DONGComments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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