Comments for Marillion, Holidays In EdenE-MAIL: ** This really shows that Marillion without Fish isn't all that good; the same can be said for the transverse. --J.teelE-MAIL: Marillion are f###ing ace and anyone who disagrees either has'nt even listened to them or is deaf. Simple as that. ---BIG WILLIEE-MAIL: It was very hard to me listen something like Holidays in Eden and believe it was a Marillion album.E-MAIL: YOU REALLY ARE SOME SORT OF FUCKIN'' SPASTIC AFTER ALL. YOU OBVIOULSY HAVE NO GRASP WHATSOEVER OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, DO YOU? DO YOU THINK ANYONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK WHAT MARILLION MEANS TO YOU?! FUCKIN'' NO, YOU IRRITATING PIECE OF SHITE! ----------KING DONGComments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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