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Comments for Marilyn Manson, I suck

Hi there Joeblow, your album really rocks! Sorry if this is coming a bit late - I'm a new user. If you want some laffs, check out the album I'M SORRY.
A new user for what? Spelling?
DB@LOCL.NET, GET A LIFE. ALL THE MANSON IN THIS WORLD CAN'T SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF. GO JOIN ALT.FAGGOTS.MANSON OR START IT YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (This is intended as a parody of the kind of unintelligent flame that can only come from the mind of a coarse, loutish, racist, violent Manson fanatic.)
E-MAIL: dkprince55
I love this cd and ALL of them... I have ever cd that U have made Marilyn I love u so much ! *hugs and Kisses* I loveu so much Love always ~vex~ ~Dark Angel~ ~Bloody Angel~
E-MAIL: MasonRules@hotmail
Marilyn Manson kicks ass! All those that don't like them, don't come here. It is simple as that! As much time you "anti-Manson" ppl are bashing Manson you are still thinking about the band. The real fans LOVE Manson and nothing you say or do is going to change our feelings for the greatest entertainers on earth!!!!!I LOVE YOU MARILYN!!KEEP KICKING ASS!!
E-MAIL: MasonRules@hotmail
Marilyn Manson kicks ass! All those that don''t like them, don''t come here. It is simple as that! As much time you "anti-Manson" ppl are bashing Manson you are still thinking about the band. The real fans LOVE Manson and nothing you say or do is going to change our feelings for the greatest entertainers on earth!!!!!I LOVE YOU MARILYN!!KEEP KICKING ASS!!
A classic Marilyn Manson CD.
Seems to me that if there was no such thing as Marilyn Manson, your lives would be boring and you'd have nothing to bitch about all day. You'd be sitting there with your dicks in your hands jerking off to Britney Spears. That to me is repulsive.
For your information, Marilyn Manson isn't racist... don't take him so literally because he speaks in metaphors. His intelligence is far too complicated for your puny little minds to grasp.
i love marilyn manson...he is so cool! by the way he isnt racist.
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