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Comments for McKee, Maria, Maria McKee

E-MAIL: MMckeefan
This album is, by far, the best showing by a female artist since the late Janis Joplin. Her voice is incredibly strong as shown on the track, Can't Pull the Wool Down (over the little lamb's eyes). Anyone who is a fan of Lone Justice or just music in general should buy this album or her latest release on Geffen Records, You Gotta Sin to Get Saved. Also, if you ever get the chance to see her in concert, I strongly recommend you see her. She is a ball of energy and has the rare ability to breathe new life into each song. No matter how many times she's sung a song, she makes it sound fresh and full of life. It is too bad that she has not yet received the recognition she so fully deserves. One of the greatest female singers of American history.
This is simply a great album blending many musical styles around an incredible voice. Whether it is the ballad "To Miss Someone," the mover "Can't Pull the Wool...," the narrative "Panic Beach," the soulful "Breathe," the painful "Has He Got a Friend..." or the beautiful "Nobody's Child," every track excels. Her best effort so far as I know.
This is my favourite album and artist. What amazes me is that her songs never get boring. I mean she doesn''t meerly put work into the chorus but also manages to bind it all together so that every word has a meaning and it''s own "touch". I think she''s really put a lot of soul into this album.
Maria McKee used to be the lead singer for Lone Justice; this is her first solo album.
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