Comments for McLachlan, Sarah, TouchE-MAIL: For other versions of the song Steaming, try looking for the ep Steaming which contains a great remake of the great classic "Solsbury Hill" by Peter Gabriel. One of Sarah's great live performances ever...E-MAIL: even if it's not my favorite album of the most wondurfull singer-songwriter in the whole world, i love this album 'cause it gets me just where i want to be...E-MAIL: heynow Let's just say she's done better.E-MAIL: Sarah is a very good singer. I enjoy her work. She is sort of like Alanis Morissette meets Joan Baez. A canadian who sings like suzanne Vega. I really think this album is good. You should go out and buy it. Sarah McLachlan has been at times compared to such othersingers as Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, and SineadO`Connor. She is originally from the east coast of Canada, butcurrently works out of Vancouver, BC. Her soaring, ethereal vocalscombine with romantic lyrics and album artwork to produce one of myfavourite artists.Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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