Comments for Mercyland, SpillageE-MAIL: Great introductory "packet" for the young punk enthusiast. Spillage, remarkably produced . . . earsplit and fedback . . . chronicles the bands tough career playing for "5 or 500" but always performing. Highlights include "Eula Geary is Dead" and the blistering live outtake of ____ (I forget) By far the best rock group I ever played drums with. David Barbe (singer, songwriter, & co-founder), had a way of bringing out the best in his bandmates. I never played with a more dedicated musician. Starving on the road wasn't easy, but I really enjoyed being in this band. Thanks, David. You are in fact a Dominant Rock God for the ages. - Harry Joiner Featuring David Barbe of Sugar.Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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