Comments for Metallica, ReLoadE-MAIL: A vast improvement over that shit called Load!E-MAIL: Shit compared to what Metallica is capable of. They have sold themeselves to the radio stations. Very disapointed.E-MAIL: this album blows and if u bought u should be ashamed of yourself.E-MAIL: this album blows and if u bought u should be ashamed of yourself.E-MAIL: the wall Metallica!Listen us,please.We like classic & rock. We think that Chopin genius of classic musik & what about you -creators of rock.Reload is very good album. Good luck! Aisel & Kira.E-MAIL: Benny Anderson I think my song "Rock 'n' Roll Band" is much heavier than the Unforgiven II. Go back to metal, boys.E-MAIL: Alternica continues there sell out ways and puts out another crappy cd full of soft poppy tunes. Load was a mistake reload is horrible . Why would they do another soft album ? They should don it more heavyer or something less "load" like .Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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