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Comments for Mitchell, Joni, Turbulent Indigo

Great album! Definitely not rock. Trying to locate Joni's Email address (if she has one). If you have it or know where I can find it please Email me at: Thx!
This album has some of Joni's most effective songs EVER! "Magdalene Laundries" and "Turbulent Indigo" are brilliant social commentaries on gender roles and on the "culture" of Culture (with a capital "C") and yet they are also beautiful stories which Joni tells in her own unique voice. I could have lived without "Sex Kills" but every other track is marvelous.
this is a good album,I suppose this is the best one she has delivered in years, in my opinion. Though it can never compare to heijira and songs like "Black Crow" and "the Arrangement" from the album "Ladies of the Canyon." But I must say she hasn't lost her wit. Instead she has only lost the vocal range and startling capacity to chill my bones with her ever changing pitches. She still is powerful and will forever be my foremost and favorite goddess/idol of all time. put out in years. She is forever stunning in her raw perception/ insight and musical genius.
This album is as inventive as "Blue," "Court & Spark" or "Hissing of Summer Lawns." Everytime they announce someone new as being "the new Joni Mitchell," Joni reinvents herself and shows us that SHE''S the new Joni Mitchell.
Hmmm... bit doubtful about defining this album as "Rock"...It should really be defined under "Joni" since it`s anotherof those albums - mixture of jazz/folk/rock/self-analysis anda couple of punny jokes... it sits well with Hejira and someof the early stuff
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