Comments for Morbid Angel, DominationE-MAIL: Definitely the best Death Metal album made, possibly ever. Caesar's Palace and Inquisition are the absolute best.E-MAIL: Up there with the rest of them! Fucking rules! If I could only play a thousandth as good as Azagthoth I'd shred any alternative band. Morbid Angel and Slayer are the supreme rulers of death metal.E-MAIL: Killer!, taking one through that madness that is the definitive Morbid Angel. This is a great album, I recommend it to all the people who like BLACK/DEATH metalE-MAIL: I'm not the biggest fan of death metal but this album (along with Covenant) is death metal with melody (much like Carcass). A very cool album with some cool guitar solos. Check out Where The Slime Live and Eyes to see for real powerful death metalE-MAIL: ee39610 E-MAIL: ee39610 the greater album.hail to david vincentE-MAIL: Probably the worst Morbid Angel album, and it still kicks ass. BTW:Slayer aren''t death metal doofus!!! If you enjoyed the Covenant album, GET THIS ONE!Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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