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Comments for Morissette, Alanis, Jagged Little Pill

Alanis's distinctive voice - not flawless, not perfect *grin* (there's an in-joke for you) - is a highlight. And the energy and emotion she punches into "You Oughta Know", "Forgiven" and "Your House" are inspiring.
Alanis rocks. I saw her in concert at the U.N.O. Lakefront Arena and she lit up the place. She is awesome in concert and I would definitely go to one of her concerts again.
Thank you, Alanis, for kicking Mariah Carey's bland ass up and down the aisles at the Grammys.
Dude, i think the song are kinda coo, ya kno?, but damn, when i hear "you oughta kno", i'm just like , get over it dude, you kno what i'm sayin. it's like she's on an extended, badass run of PMS, or whatever. my rroomie thinks "you learn" is da bomb, like any of you reading this care.
So far, this is my favorite album ever released by anyone. This aclectic blend of music is more than powerful. I rate it a 10. Alanis, I'll be spending the night at the record store to buy your next album. But I don't know how it could ever top this!
What can you say, such a superb album!
What's this guy blabing about? Yeah, if Alanis sucks than I guess the 11 million people that bought her album all just have bad taste in music...Dream on buddy! The album's amazing.
The disc has some weak spots, but, all in all, it's worth the price and more. Alanis, unlike so many pop acts (the ter- minally boring Mariah Carey comes to mind), has something substantive to say, and she will say it, and the rest of the world be damned. Like her or not, you have to respect that. The strongest track on the disc may be the a capella closer, although the hits "You Oughta Know", "Ironic," "You Learn," and the presumably soon-to-be hit "Perfect" are all solid pieces. All I'm worried about is that she may have (sorry for the gender-inappropriate metaphor) shot her wad with this one--when was the last time you heard of a performer putting out a CD with hit single after hit single, and then coming out with a followup CD that was anywhere near as good? It seldom happens, and the jury is still out on whether Alanis will be able to pull it off.
I am proud to say that Alanis is a fellow Canadian. Despite her youth she writes powerful lyrics. I do not know many women who cannot relate to the song "You Oughta Know". I also like the track - "Hand In My Pocket". And ... to agree with previous comments, congrats to Alanis for showing up the obviously "pouty" Mariah Carey at the Grammy Awards. You can only listen to sugary songs so long. Thanks Alanis, for giving us some "grit" !
I can' t understand voting readers of the Rolling Stone. Most of them think that this is the worst album of the year!!!??? What kind of stupid, jealous hyppocrats must they be?!?! That' s the price Alanis pays for being succesfull mainstreamly. If she sells only 5OO copies of the same album, the readers would go like: Yeah! That' s the best, Wow!... Not everything what' s succesfull wordwide must be bad, made just for money!
E-MAIL: lady liz
i kinda like alanis, but i'm not a very big fan. however, i think the antagonistic people who post messages describing alanis as a "fucking no-talent bitch" are quite wrong. alanis is a refreshing sound after having survived pop stars like mariah carey shoved down your throat. also, just because she sold a lot of albums does not mean you must hate her. before she was this big, alanis was praised by critics and music lovers alike. now, after having sold millions and millions of records, she is spurned and hated by most. oh, the hypocrisy is stifling! and even i have grown tired of hearing "ironic" over and over again, as most of you have, but that still does not give you or me any right to claim she is untalented. alanis is, contrary to popular belief, quite a writer. her songs have lots of feeling, lots of passion, and very well-written. perhaps she did not write all of the music all by herself. so? can you not enjoy it anyway? it's not like she's a female milli vanilli, you know.
Very energetic album by a very energetic woman (with attitude). Full of catchy tunes and great lyrics such as the introduction "All I really want", the simple "Hand in my Pocket", the quirky 90's love ballad "Head over feet" and the 'religious' (har har) "Forgiven" (more than slightly reminiscent of Billy Joel on 'The Nylon Curtain'). (Un)fortunately her rapid rise to the top has upset more than a few establishment types. You either like her or you don't. Hopefully she can manage another successful CD with a similar tuneful style without wearing a hole through the 1990's attitude stuff.
E-MAIL: scpar @pti
Rock on you wonderful gutsy bitch!
Yeah, like it's really easy to get rich quick by writing crappy explicit lyrics, mixing in some ideas from good old Dr. Freud (ABBA warned us against doing that aeons ago), combining the whole with some so-called 'attitude' (i.e. I hate my parents and the Catholic Church) and packaging it as the Next Great Female Rock Sensation. Yawn. Frankly, I think Hugh Hefner did more for the cause of women's lib than this album. And I'm sick of laymen taking scientific terms and notions from psychology and screwing them up to make a buck or two. Please mail me all those who agree!!!!
As always if something new and fresh is to come out of the rock scene there has to be a woman behind it! / I'm male (and I myself is a rock musician, in case it'll make any difference!) Alanis is the best thing that has happened to me since I first found (Oddly enough) Iron Maiden's - Piece of Mind back in -83!
E-MAIL: Quentin.D.Thompson
I'm an Interactive Fiction author, but no GAGS game I've played sucks as bad as the average Alanis song. As for 11 million people having bad taste, what's so suprising about that? I'm sure more people than that bought the Starr report, and for the same reason. Alanis' albums are an invitation to (psychological) voyeurs. Yeargh.
E-MAIL: good morning
The reason a lot of the same people don''t like Alanis Morissette AND Mariah Carey is that they were meant to be on the opposite side of the spectrum. People must realize that both Carey''s music and Morissette''s music (since PILL of course) were geared towards different audiences. Carey''s music is sweet, upbeat and sugary, and glossy in production. Morissette''s is gritty and less-perfect in production, but that''s what the charm is for her audience. They love the grit and the gutsy, in-your-face-grungy lyrics like "is she perverted like me", and her trashy, any old grungy clothes will do look. Mariah''s image is the opposite of Alanis'', and that''s just fine. The world is made up of different people, and why can''t in music people accept that? Personally, I prefer Mariah''s DAYDREAM to Alanis'' JAGGED LITTLE PILL, but that''s just an opinion. And I do admire Alanis'' bold PILL, as it IS in fact filled with her true life emotions. I think JAGGED LITTLE PILL is actually a very substantial album indeed, as it really doespaint the scene of the 1990s teenager and their new grungy experiences and tribulations. Most of the songs will make perfect 1990s portraits to look back on years from now. On top of all of that, I really am not a fan of Alanis'' shrill, sometimes screeching voice (I have heard people say she''s as good or better than Carey when she sings "You Learn" just because she can hit a semi-high note). The difference between them, vocally, is that Alanis screeches her notes out, which do fine on her gritty songs, and Mariah sings (and too-often oversings). There''s your difference. Now can''t both of these singers/songwriters live in one world?
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