Comments for Morphine, YesE-MAIL: yes,yes.....yes..yes,yes. This is a super cool low rock (whatever that is) CD. Because it's unusual, it'll take a couple of listens but soon those words at the beginning of this paragraph (along with other lyrics) will be echoing in your head. A must buy if you want a solid recording, excellent mood maker (I still haven't figured out exactly what mood though), and cd that will grow on you like a tumor.E-MAIL: Morphine's new release is great. Yes is not as good as Cure for Pain, but it is a must for anyone who even remotely likes this style of musicE-MAIL: TMcGinni E-MAIL: TMcGinni Great Band. Take one drum, one trombone, Put 3 strings on a bass. You have morphine.E-MAIL: I'm sorry to interrupt, but Mark uses only TWO strings on his bass and Dana CERTAINLY doesn't play trombone! It's a BARI sax, idiot. Before you spout off at the mouth, get your facts straight.E-MAIL: Yeah! What he said! This 3rd release from this unconventional band extendstheir string of great albums to three. If your not from the Bostonarea chances are you haven`t heard of them but trust meno matter what kind of music you listen to you`ll love these guys.Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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