Comments for My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult, Confessions of a KnifeE-MAIL: The first two tracks are definitely the best, but other good ones are both Confessions of a Knife, Ride the MindWay and Burning Dirt. This album always puts me in a good mood.E-MAIL: Very cool. Their best album. It may not be art, but that is not why I bought it. EnjoyE-MAIL: kiss off Dee Besst album of theirsE-MAIL: Oh soo good. This is my favorite album by the Thrill Kill Kult. Inparticular, I like A Daisy Chain 4 Satan and The Days ofSwine and Roses.The Thrill Kill Kult defy easy classification. They have adefinate Industrial edge (more pronounced on this albumthan on any other), but they also use Gothic and Technoundertones.I advise a good listen.WARNING: Not for the Christian right! What they sing about is NOT what you like! (Sex, Drugs, and Satan)Comments supplied by users do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Roadkill Consulting, Inc. |
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