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Comments for Phish, Junta

This is the first, and IMHO, the best representation of who Phish is. Long, complex jams. Influences from Jazz, Rock, Reggae, and others. Other albums are good but this is the best. Phish steps away from the common style of music containing a repeated beat with 4-5 verses separated with a common chorus. Many of these songs are 10-15 minutes long with only about 5 words. Well orchestrated jams and imaginative lyrics and music. You Enjoy Myself, Divided Sky, and FluffHead are three of the best songs Phish has written. Just my $.02. Kermit.
Can anyone tell me the correct lyrics for You Enjoy myself... I've heard dozens but all I can reason is... Wash your feet, say drive me to valence? (where is valence anyway?) or wash ufeze drive me to firenze? Maybe it sounds stupid, but can anyone else enlighten me? write me with some knowledge please... or maybe Trey or Paige can help? -g-
E-MAIL: phish@is.bad
Phish has absolutely no musically talent. All their performances are acid based jazz style shows. They are unreheared. unclean and uncut. If this band actaully sat down and took some time to prepare their music they may actually be able to put out an album that doesn't suck. Until then, more noise.
E-MAIL: shut up
I just felt the need to defend my favorite band, who unlike other bands today takes more than the patience of a two year old to understand. I can't understand why people who obviously lack this, and some other of the finer points of todlers would feel so insecure with there music to respond negatively to the outpouring of faith and love for Phish on the internet.
Junta is my favorite album. Period. You Enjoy Myself is one of the best songs ever. It really gives an accurate picture of what Phish is like. All their varied styles- funk, jazz and rock. By the way, they are saying (roughly) "Wash your feetzies and drive me to Firenze". A quote taken from one of the band members when they got into a taxi in Italy. Apparently the cab driver's feet were quite malodorus. If you've heard some of their more current stuff, such as Picture of Nectar and Hoist, and you kinda like it, definitely check out Junta.
They're a bunch of Grateful Dead wannabees
This dickhead who are cutting up phish, don't really appreciate true music. and to truly appreciate the band, see the in concert or find one of their bootlegs. I love the fact that none of the songs are ever the same!
This dickhead who are cutting up phish ---- instead of seeing Phish concerts, you should spend more time taking grammar lessons.
E-MAIL: Billy Bob Thornton
I grew up in a shed listening to music....m-hmm......My folks would let me go out so often....m-hmm......I went to a CD store and bought a piece of crap....m-hmm......some people call it a Phish album, Junta, I call it a piece of crap.....m-hmm......I took the CD and threw it against the wall twice....m-hmm.....2nd time I split it wide open.....m-hmm.......I'm not the sanest person on Gods great earth......m-hmm.
Phish is just another band out on the road playing music and making money. Most importantly they love what they are doing! If you don't like the band then don't BOTHER with your silly comments!!! It's just like me ripping on your favorite band Oasis!!! Of course I m speaking to and Billy m-hmm I've been pulling my penis too long Thornton!!!!! Boys, take your comments and shove it.
If he didn't hate Phish, I'd say that was a funny "Slingblade" imitation.
E-MAIL: MrZoom2000
the reason that you obviously don''t enjoy Phish''s music is because you must have no sense of actual culture: jazz for instance. Intricate and obscure riffs are what make up real modern/contemporary music. interesting riffs don''t include ones that you hear every other song on any rock station in the radio. it doesn''t take an ignorant, uncultured person like you to create a four chord riff that was already invented in the early twenties. you''re are entitled to your opinion, but please don''t trash my favorite group becuase you have something against thought and imagination. just look at your writing, it shows. This is directed to both Phish@is.bad, and Phish@sucksme or something similar
Phish`s first released album, produced and sold at shows in1988, rereleased by Electra (Time Warner)in 1992. Not forthe first time phish phan: most of it is insturmental & abit tedious if you haven`t `gotten` it yet. My favorite Phish album, and one of my all time top 5 (w/abb rd & drk sd..)
This album is the Summa Theologica of phish material. An absolute classic.
The Dominican Order rocks and so does the previous comment.
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