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Comments for Pink Floyd, A Momentary Lapse of Reason

One of their best album...Dynamic, nice songs...
**** Nice return from the old men. They prove that their is life after Waters, but Gilmour isn't quite the lyricist that he is. We all knew that, though. PRIME CUTS-- Ah heck, we all know how hard this is to do with Floyd, considering every album is conceptually minded, thus every song is important to the other. --J.Teel
Quite liked this album, although not as good as The Division Bell which I got first. Have only recently been converted to the joys of the Floyd, so apart from Another Brick In The Wall I have not really heard any of their previous stuff. Anyway, back to MLOR. The one stand-out track has to be Learning To Fly, which I listen to over and over. Reminds me of The Division Bell, even though it came 7 years earlier. I'm not really sure what New Machine Parts 1 & 2 are about, but who cares. It fits in overall. The rest of the album is really good, particulary Terminal Frost. More of the same please!
Even though I started listening to Floyd in '89, this was the last album I bought. Nonetheless, it is a great album with Gilmours usual nifty guitar and some impressive lyrics considering the departure of Waters, Notable Songs: On the Turning Away, Sorrow
E-MAIL: prodrigu@zeus.dci.ubiobio
Hola!. Mi nombre es Pedro, soy de Chile, y tambien soy un ferviente admirador y fans de Pink Floyd desde la decada de los '70. Creo, personalmente, que Pink en los ultimos tiempos ha ido superando etapas y eso se nota en sus ultimas producciones como "A momentary lapse of reason" y "The division bell", que han superado algunas producciones anteriores (exceptuando si "The dark side of the moon"). Si David Gilmour llegara a leer esta nota, ojala pueda entender el castellano, le pediria que nunca deje que Pink Floyd muera. Y por ultimo, miles de fans estamos esperando aqui que vengan pronto a Chile. Chao!
What a great comeback for Floyd. A different style than with Waters. Some people don't like it as much, but I think it's great!! "On The Turning Away" is my personal favorite from this album.
E-MAIL: Stephan.Ullrich@Informatik.TU-Chemnitz.DE
Momentary Lapse of Reason is a comercial album. The records before 1987 are better.
Musically, a very creative and progressive album. One Slip in particular is a song not to ignore. Yet Another Movie echoes the sound from The Wall, but may be better. Sorrow and Terminal Frost are 2 lesser mentioned songs that deserve more appreciation. The whole album is a masterpiece !
Although described by band leader David Gilmour as "...a bit crash bangy and loud...out to impress a little...", it is by far the best album Pink Floyd has ever released. "On the Turning Away", track 5, is undoubtedly Gilmour's greatest masterpiece of yet. Documented by Roger Waters as a "decent forgery", I believe it to be nothing but original. Record executives agreed with my point of view saying that the new album "sounded nothing like Floyd." I only recommend this album to person's who can recognize not only brilliant song writing, but lyrical quality as well. Highest Billboard charting in US was number 3.
E-MAIL: lalala
This album just doesnt cut it for me Gilmour has an Guitar but his voice gets old and all the songs sound the same. Not a very strong piece.
E-MAIL: hahahaha
Unlike Waters at least Gilmour HAS a voice. And he also knows how to play a guitar, whereas Waters uses his as a mantelpiece decoration.
This is an excellent album - The Floyd are back with a vengeance! With the now-departed Roger Waters no longer controlling the group's musical direction, the unique "Pink Floyd Sound" makes its return after a 12-year absence. Despite what critics say, David Gilmour shows that he CAN write more-than-decent lyrics with "One Slip", "Sorrow" and "On The Turning Away". The trademark spacious and atmospheric themes in his music re-acquaints us with such beloved PF classics as 'Meddle', 'Dark Side of the Moon' and 'Wish You Were Here'. A listening experience that no true audiophile will want to miss!!!
People say that Roger Waters was the lyrical genius of Pink Floyd. They forget to mention that David Gilmour was the brains behind the excellent musical compositions.
E-MAIL: David Gilmour Rules!!!
So true!!! You can't remember lyrics to a great song if there aren't any memorable tunes to accompany it. Would Pink Floyd have ever accomplished as much as they have without Gilmour? Would they have gone as far as they've gone so far under the sole musical direction of Roger Waters? I DON'T THINK SO!!! Music Music just isn't music without music. 'Nuff said!!!
E-MAIL: Mike Clarke
Gilmour is the better all-around musician. He can tackle Waters' strong point better than Waters can Gilmour's... that is, Dave writes lyrics better than Roger can compose music.
E-MAIL: Destroyer
Roger Waters should listen to this album, so that he can learn how to play Progressive/Space Rock music instead of boring, old Rock 'n Roll.
E-MAIL: Pink
Yo,Destroyer,I love ye.Let's make the bugger's(Waters') eyes water.
E-MAIL: J.Teel
I ain't got no nuts.Please forgive me for making dumb comments.
E-MAIL: ju(n)kka
I have no nuts too!
SORROW is unGodly!!!!!!!!!!! This is a simply amazing album!!!! Defninitely onw of my 3 favorites, but I have to agree that Gilmour''s lyrics can''t hang w/ Waters. His voice....that''s a whole different story!!
Good Album.Signs of live is a awesome Instrumental piece.. The best song is realy On The Turning Away woww what for a cool guitar solo but the Live Version is better as the Studio Version:
New Floyd. No, wait, this is from 1987... I feel old.
Me too!
I am the thing.
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