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Comments for Bathory, Hot for Love

The amplifiers hummed with power and inspired by the power of Odin and one lone brave warrior plugged in his axe and let open the gates of hell!! A FINE DAY TO DIE!!! When the headbanging fury had ended, the thought of having another head fucker was not expected but low and behold the Golden Walls Of Heaven thrashed and you thought that it couldn''t get much better, then Pace Till Death shredded you even harder, Holocaust got you ready for war, For All Those Who Died made you drink more of your beer, and Dies Irae just brought the fucking house down, then Blood Fire Death sounded and you ran out of the house and into your neighborhood slaughtering anything that you saw! Eldis #1 Bathory slave and adorer (Everything Bathory has done is good as gold)
This album may count in the Death metal hall of fame.It has all the magic and the power of the Vicking Civilisation. Just take your sword and kill every one in the house!
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